How can I track my order?
Which type of order did you place?

  • Once the order has shipped, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email. Select the Track Shipment link within the email to receive up-to-date shipping information.

    If you are signed up to receive text messages, you will be sent a text message with a link to receive up-to-date shipping information. Standard message and data rates may apply.

    You can use the shipping confirmation email or the link in the shipping confirmation text message to sign in and track you package. If you do not have an account, you can enter the order number, your email, and/or phone number to track your shipment.


    Click here to sign in and track you package.

  • To track your store order, have your receipt available.

    We recommend to contact the store where you placed the order directly. Click here to locate your store.


    You can call our customer service department at 1-800-289-6229 or use the link at the bottom of this page to chat with us. Please let our customer service representative know that you placed the order while in-store.

  • For international orders, click here to go to our International Order Tracking page. Please provide your order number and email address.

I do not need help tracking my order, but there is an issue with my order.

  • We are so sorry that you have an issue with your order. Your satisfaction is very important to us. Please call us at 1-800-289-6229 or use the link at the bottom of this page to chat with us.

  • If your order is showing delivered and you do not have it, please check around your house. Sometimes are carriers will hide the package. Please look on your back porch, around bushes, or check to see if your neighbor may have picked it up for safe keeping. If you have done all of the above and are still not able to locate your package then, please call us at 1-800-289-6229 or use the link at the bottom of this page to chat with us. We are happy to help you.

  • If more than 10 business days have passed since you received your shipping confirmation email and you have not received your package, please call us at 1-800-289-6229 or use the link at the bottom of this page to chat with us. We are happy to help you.

    **During the Holiday season please wait 15 business days. This is a very busy time for our carriers. While they do an excellent job, we would like to give them just a few more days.**

    Note: Business days means Holiday's and weekends are excluded.

  • If it has been less than 10 business days since you have received your shipping confirmation email, then we ask you please be patient and allow more time for your package to arrive.

    **During the Holiday season please wait 15 business days. This is a very busy time for our carriers. While they do an excellent job, we would like to give them just a few more days.**

    Note: Business days means Holiday's and weekends are excluded.

  • If you placed the order but have not received any emails from us please take the following steps:

    1. Check your spam/junk folder
    2. Check the payment method used to see if there is a charge from us. We do not charge your account until the merchandise is shipped. If you have not received any emails and you have checked your spam/junk folder, and you do not see a charge, then the order did not go through. Try to reorder. If you do see a charge then, go to step 3.
    3. Please call us at 1-800-289-6229 or use the link at the bottom of this page to chat with us. We will be more than happy to further assist you.

  • Unfortunately, we are not able to change the delivery location after 30 minutes of you placing the order. If your order is shipping by UPS and you are a UPS My Choice® member, you may be able to make changes there. For more information on UPS My Choice® click here.

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