Help Center
Why is my Macy's online profile locked?

Locking profiles is a precautionary security feature. Locking a profile means the profile is not accessible until a valid customer performs a password reset. We may lock your online profile for several reasons including suspicious activity on the login page or because the profile has not had activity in a while.

If your online profile is locked, you can regain access to your online account by doing the following:

1. Click the hyperlink in the red banner that appears on the page; that will take you to the Password Reset email page.

2. Enter the email associated with your account and complete the "I am not a Robot" reCAPTCHA challenge.

  • An email containing a new hyperlink is sent to your login address.

3. Follow the link in the email and create a new password for your online account.

If you have too many failed sign-in attempts to your online profile and it is locked, please directly call us at 1-800-BUY-MACYS (1-800-289-6229).