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General Gift Registry Information
  • A gift registry is a wish list created by a registrant that indicates to gift-givers which presents they would like to receive for their special event or occasion. Once completed, this list is sent out to friends, family, and coworkers to purchase gift(s) from the wish list if they’d like.

  • A Registry ID is your unique registry number, which is embedded in the barcode used to identify purchases for your registry. Your guests can search for your registry by name or by Registry ID.

  • Hours of Operation:

    Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET

    • Completion discount, along with bonus wedding completion gifts
    • Return policy is extended to 90 days post-event or post-purchase date
    • Access to one-on-one assistance & ability to book an in-store or virtual appointment with a Gift Registry Consultant
    • Star Rewards
    • 10-25% off special perk coupon
    • Baby registry welcome box
    • Gift tracker and "Thank You" manager
    • Gift calculator
    • Registry checklist
    • Gift inspiration and buying guide
  • A Gift Registry Consultant is an expert in all things registry. They offer one-on-one assistance to you throughout your entire journey of creating, managing, and completing your gift registry at Macy’s. Our Gift Registry Consultants offer virtual or in-store registry appointments and personalized recommendations of products to add to your registry based on your lifestyle and needs. They are here to assist you every step along the way in your experience by offering personalized support and answering all your registry questions.

    Click on your registry “Home” tab to schedule an appointment with one of our Gift Registry Consultants.