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Buy One Get One (BOGO) Returns
Can I return items from a Buy One Get One (BOGO) offer?

Yes, but your refund amount for each item will be proportionally reduced.   When you purchase items as a Buy One Get One offer, the discount reflecting the price of the lowest-priced item is proportionally applied to each eligible item. If any item is returned, the refund will be equal to the original price of the item reduced by the proportional discounted amount.

Here are some examples:

  • Buy One, Get One Free: If your qualifying items are $30 and $20, the discount will be $20 and spread proportionally across both items. The $30 item will be reduced by $12 and the $20 item will be reduced by $8. The original $30 item will result in a refund of $18 and the original $20 item will result in a refund of $12.
  • Buy One, Get One 50% Off: If your qualifying items are $30 and $20, the discount will be $10 and will be spread proportionally across both items. The $30 item will be reduced by $6 and the $20 item will be reduced by $4. The original $30 item will result in a refund of $24 and the original $20 item will result in a refund of $16.