Help Center
How do I link the Star Rewards membership to my existing account?

If you don’t have an online account:

Go to and choose create an account

  1. Create an account by filling in the information requested
  2. Add your Star Rewards membership by selecting the Already a member? option and answering the questions that appear:
  • If you have a Macy's Card, you'll need to add your Macy's Credit Card or Macy's American Express® Card information to your Macy's Account
  • If you are a Bronze member, you will need to enter the phone number and birthday associated with your membership

If you have an online account:

  1. Go to and log in with your email and password
  2. Add your Star Rewards membership by selecting the Already a member? option and answering the questions that appear:
  • If you have a Macy's Card, you'll need to add your Macy's Credit Card or Macy's American Express® Card information to your Account.
  • If you are a Bronze member, you will need to enter the phone number and birthday associated with your membership